Session of the Season // Northern Hemisphere Winter 2025 // Davide Lopez in Panama
In the depths of winter, seeing tropical perfection from the northern hemisphere can have us itching for our next trip, sparking inspiration and thirst for adventure. DeDe’s story from Bocas Del Torro in Panama was an easy pick for this quarter's Session of the Season.
A Day In The Surfing Life // Woody New
In the depths of the Cornish winter we spent a day with C-Skins team rider Woody New to find out more about how surfing sits alongside all of his other interests and activities, and take a look at his underwater photography.
The C-Skins Guide to Surfing Through Winter
The C-Skins Ultimate Guide to Surfing Through Winter will cover a few essentials we’ll never leave the house without, plus tips for not only taking part in cold water surfing, but really enjoying it. We’ve also spoken to a few of our team riders to find out what fuels their motivation when the winter months set in.